A Walk in the Garden

Let us go for a walk in the garden.
Let us be as we’re meant to be.

That’d be nice but I’m afraid I have plans.
I was meant to tend soil with these hands.
I was made to subdue these fair lands.

There’s a name I must make for myself.
I’ve named beasts who need me for their health.
I’ll bear fruit and multiply all this wealth.

Let us go for a walk in the garden.
Let us be as we’re meant to be.

I’d like that but there’s things to make right.
The day’s mess I must clean before night.
I’ll rise up once I bury this plight.

It’s hard here, I’m sure you can see.
There’s suffering and few are happy.
I’ll check back when the slaves are all free.

Let us go for a walk in the garden.
Let us be as we’re meant to be.

You don’t get it, the whole world is burning.
Are you blind to everyone’s yearning?
It’s a wonder the globe is still turning.

I’m not sure there’s time for the flowers.
We have minutes but you seem to want hours.
Who can stroll when the whole is so dour?

Let us go for a walk in the garden.
Let us be as we’re meant to be.

No I won’t, for I am exhausted.
My good efforts I feel are accosted.
What I’ve found I now feel as I’ve lost it.

Let me do what I can then I’ll rest.
Give me space ’til I pass this life’s test.
I’ll show you it’s all for the best.

Let us go for a walk in the garden.
Let us be as we’re meant to be.

I’ve strived but it’s real hard alone.
I’ve tried but I’ve sunk like a stone.
I’ve flied but I’ve crashed like a drone.

I could use a kind hand as a guide.
I could use a good friend by my side.
I could just be in love as a bride.

Let us go for a walk in the garden.
Let us be as we’re meant to be.


  1. Wow, Carson. I wrote a poem like this a couple of decades ago.I’ll send it to you if I can find it.
    Hang tight (or loose, as the case may be.) There is a light at the end of your tunnel. Keep searching for it. It will unveil itself, and you will breathe free.

    I love you,
    Aunt Kathy


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