He has a dozen acres
She has fifteen hundred acres
They have a thousand acres
Of pure land to their name
Maybe I should have some acres
To be like the mammon makers
Proving prudent, nature’s takers
Further fortify their fame
Who are we without some acres?
Not among movers and shakers
Something more like owner fakers
Compared to rest our haul is lame
When the issue isn’t acres
But now fallow fields to labor
And produce fruit for the neighbor
Each their own to play the game
Should I or shouldn’t seek the acres
Depends who profits from the favors
If it just be me who savors
Is it worth staking my claim?
What to do with all these acres
When we leave them once we’re vapors
Someone else, a temporal gainer
Of His earth it so remains.
Love this, Carson. Interestingly Eden was telling me yesterday that he’s thinking of investing in some extra acreage. You could join in. 😀 ❤️
Thanks, Kathy. Eden is the kind of man that could definitely handle some acres!
Love this, Carson! Eden is thinking of investing in more acreage. Cousins thinking alike? Haha. Eden doesn’t trust the stock market. 😀